I love my children
Three children will wear you out faster
than a full day at Disney World.
Being a mother of three has been hard. Only hard because I am so tired all the time. I think if I was not so tired, about to move, school starting for my other half in two days, a sick child, and a new born things maybe a little easier.
I keep saying to myself once......... happens things will be a little easier.
I hope HOPE that once we move to our new place (things are in there place) things can finally get back to "normal." I need a routine as much as my toddler does. I don't function well with uncertainty and boxes everywhere (if I spelled something wrong SORRY I need sleep).
I cannot wait to move. Did I mention that already. Our new place has a yard, enough said.
It also has windows. I love natural light. I function better when my home is well lite. I do not know why, but it makes me happy.
It also has ceiling fans in all the bedrooms!!!!!!
Isn't it great to know what makes me happy. Natural light and ceiling fans. Oh, and a yard.*
*This is my blog my blog and I can type like I want to. This is for your grammar nazis.
Moving on........
I know you are looking for pictures of the children and other fun stuff, but this time you just get text. When I get fancy and when I get some time I will post them. You know who you are.
I am off because my 3 minutes are up and the children are....
"Scattering like roaches"
I must go coral them back in and make dinner.
PS. If you know a dinner fairy please send her/him my way.
Thank you.