Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Come and listen

The long a waited sound of sweetness can now be heard. We got to hear our babies heart beat and in three weeks we get to see it on ultrasound. We will also find out what the baby is and we are really excited. So here for your listening pleasure is Baby Paulukaitis...

Friday, April 24, 2009

James and Daddy's late night and Mommy's laugh

So two nights ago I hear James screaming from his room. I think to myself, "No...not again...I am just to tired." He has been waking up in the middle of the night for a few weeks now and it is getting kind of old. So my wonderful husband gets up to check on him. Upon arrival he realizes, in his sleepy state, that James is mad because he is soaking wet. I then hear banging and all kinds of noise that I just don't seem to care about because I am tired. I think to myself, "He's ok...besides it's Daddy's turn to change him and put him down to sleep." The next morning I go to wake James up and find him like this....

James had his onesie on backwards and inside out, no wonder Adam was having such a struggle. The buttons must have taken him a while to snap on. All in all they both got some sleep last night and I got a nice little chuckle that morning.

Friday, April 10, 2009

James and the pets

James is the cutest kid alive. He has discovered pets and loves them so much. We went over to my Gram's house where he meet Bear, her dog. He laughed so hard as Bear jumped on and off the bed. He wanted to play with the dog so badly. He got to excited because he got fur all over him and had an allergic reaction to Bear. One eye got real puffy and red and both his eyes itched. He was sneezing like every five seconds. I gave him some Benadryl and a bath and watched his eye unswell. Poor baby. He loves Ziggy even more, he is my family's cat. The moment he saw Ziggy he wanted to be near him. He was making a squawking noise at him, which I later realized was a meow. James was meowing at the cat. Later on James decided he wanted to hug the cat and lied flat on top of Ziggy. Good thing I saw him because I don't think Ziggy would have survived. When ever he sees Ziggy he starts to meow. It is kind of cute. He doesn't sneeze nor do his eyes get itchy with Ziggy soi maybe oneday we might have to get James a cat or a ver short haired dog. Oh James is meowing a Ziggy right now.