Thursday, April 8, 2010

More Julie and Julia

Ok so I wanted to sat more about Julie and Julia. Sometimes a movie just touches me personally. Maybe it was because she was kind of going through life when she had this "change" in her life happen. Maybe it was the fact that I can get obsessed with certain things and allow them to consume me. Maybe it was the fact that she got into a fight with her husband that she loved so much. I am not sure why, but this movie really touched me. Yes it did make me think about some of my dreams that I have. It did make me want to pursue being able to make clothing. Maybe my sister-in-law making an awesome pair of PJ pants and really cool top influenced that too. I have all these passions and desires in my heart to do certain things, but my whole life I have never been in the right situation to pursue my dreams in the fullest. What I mean by that is to actually be good at one thing. I have done many things, but never stuck with one thing to be good at it.

It was really good to see someone make a goal, struggle, fall, rise up, get a shot at something better, fall, fight, and then in the end be proud that she finished something hard. In the end she saw herself as a better person, her marriage was better, and she believed in herself. She was more then she had ever thought. She accomplished two goals when she was just trying to do one thing.

Like I already said this movie is a must see. There are a few f words and I was told a sex scene, but I missed that part. I was checking emails and such at the beginning so I guess viewer beware.

I hope this movie brings to your mind that you are worth doing something that will make you feel. It made me start sewing again. I am half way done with a baby quilt for a friend. I should have started it weeks ago, but at least I am half way there. Thanks Julie and Julia and my dear Erin P. You gals have inspired me.


Unknown said...

Sounds like a good movie. I'll have to check it out!

Suzanne C said...

I LOVED this movie...watched it 3 times...after the little guys were down for the night. So worth it. I'm glad you enjoyed it to.

Rachel Doyle said...

It's a great movie -- and yes I did take those pictures of Rennie.

Erin said...

I'm an inspiration!! Yayy!!

ps, I heart you.

See YOU in two weeks!

Over and out.