Sunday, June 20, 2010

Randomeness and updates

My awesome Father-in-law and 16 yr old Sister-in-law, Brynna made this for me!!! It is so cool. I have been wanting something to display my Scentsy stuff.

The boys just messing around.
They are all wearing green.

"My turn!, says James as he jumps on his Uncle Greg.

She loves the Gerber baby crackers. So tasty!

We went to this River/Lake/Beach park thing with the Young Women in our Branch. James did not want to get into the water. I think the idea of the ground/sand moving under his feet made him nervous. I don't think he really cares for water, but that is another story. He had a fit getting into the water, but once I lured him into it he was okay.

He loves his boat, as shown here. We got it at Wal-mart for like $4 and it has been the best $4 we have spent. We have used it four times already. It still works, how cool is that. He loves riding in it. I think he feels safe. He will say to me, " My bout, Mama my bout." It is really cute.

I had to get a shot of me!

This is what James did most of the time we were at the beach area. He was happy playing in the sand. He did get into trouble because I was filming him playing and he threw a big chunk of dirt at me. I guess I may have done the same if I wanted to be left alone, but I would have at least avoided the camera.

He is such a cute boy. I love this kid to pieces. He makes me laugh and proud. He is a good kid.

Elizabeth had a good time in the water. Here she is with Jonas, Young Women's President's son. She usually sits like this with James. She enjoys just lounging around and sucking her two favorite fingers. She sucks her fingers so much she one of her fingers is always swollen and a little red. Her fingers make her happy.

She took the boat out for a spin.

Digging for gold. He loves picking his nose. He calls food, "Nami" and he calls boogers, "Nami."

On our way to Lilburn!

Cutie number 1

Cutie number 2
(This was taken without looking and I was in the front seat. Not bad, huh?)


apesjam said...

Wow look at all those teeth about to poke through! Watching all yous moms with your kids make me realize how short of a time we're going to have with our (far off) furture little ones. Bitter sweet.

Erin Gibbons said...

That backseat picture of Elizabeth is so cute! What a big gummy smile! I think she has your smile. I can't believe she's like 8 months old already!

Suzanne C said...

I totally needed a grandbaby fix! Love all of it! How sweet of Brynna and Dave to make your box (incredibly green!) Love the pictures!