Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Shout out to Picnik.com

I am one of those people who cannot afford really cool shots of my kids by a pro. I would LOVE to have someone take our picture and mount a photographers artwork all over the walls of my home. Some day I will be able to do this, but for now I get to play photographer. On occasions I get some really great shots of my kids. Like the following one of my daughter.

It is really cute, but the coloring is all wrong.
Look what I did in about 3 minutes.

My secret:
Messing with the exposure button on PICNIK
If you have not been to this site you should.

Two reasons:
1. It's FREE
2. You can make your
pictures look this cool!

You can also do this!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sunday Talk

Sundays are always days to get back into the sweetness of life.

I was able to give a talk today at church on charity.
I spoke on how charity can be shown in three ways.

1. We can show others the pure love of Christ and
put off the natural man by showing them we love them

I expressed this with my conversion story, how my sweet (step)mother INVITED me to church on a Sunday, as she often would. I sometimes declined and sometimes accepted her invitation. I wonder if she ever felt like inviting me, but didn't because she was sacred to? If she did I am glad that that day she had no fear. She showed me that
I used to think this passage meant I had to die for my friends, but I have become smarter and know it means that I should put others before myself. That Sunday she did that for me. She showed me she had no fear to share with me the most beautiful part of her life with me. I am eternally grateful for that. I hope she knows that.

I am also grateful for my Father who had enough love for me to bring me up in a way that gave me pride in who I am. He taught me from an early age that I was a child of the Most High. He taught me to respect myself and others. He taught me to work hard for what I have. he taught me life has no short cuts. He taught me that God knows me and what I do. He taught me how to pray and the importance of scriptures. I remember as a child sitting on my Dad's bed as he gathered my sister and I to read scriptures and to pray before bed. I remember he would play spiritual music every Sabbath morning as we got dressed for church. I remember how diligent he was in showing us to respect the Sabbath to spend that day worshiping and reverencing our Father in Heaven. He taught me that I was special to him as he came to my soccer games, cheer practices, and wrestling practices to get me. He taught me that I was smart and I could be anything I wanted to. He taught me to never give up because God would help me when things got tough. My Father taught me a lot for a man who was on his own a lot. He may not be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, as I am, but he prepared me for the day I would find God's church restored. He helped me prepare myself for the blessings I have at this moment, my children and my husband.

2. Charity towards our families

Sometimes we think that helping someone we don't know, like the Good Samaritan, is when we are showing true charity. I used to think this way. One day I heard a talk that spoke on motherhood and how it was one of the greatest things we could do in this life. I thought, "Really?" The more I have thought about it being a mother is the best and most essential job on the planet. I did not have a mother for most of my childhood, but I had a Father who taught me things I am sure his mother taught him. I have learned that great charity is stop reading my book and look at my child's new Lego building. Stop fussing about my dirty house and take my children outside. My husband shows me charity when I am tired from caring for the children ALL DAY and he will do the dishes or pick up toys without being prompted. He does it because I know he loves me. The Savior would do that if he were here. I know he would. If we show those who are closes to us the love of Christ when they grow up they will do the same to those around them and to those closes to them.

3. We need to show ourselves charity.

You are special.
God knows you.
He made you.
He loves you.

He sent his only Son to die for you.

If you ever get to a moment where you doubt who you are and you will do as Enos. Enos prayed until he KNEW who he was. God told him a lot about who he was when Enos finally got his answer. God said, "Enos, thy sins are forgiven thee."

In that moment Enos knew he was special, God knew him, God loved him, he could be forgiven, he had a purpose on this Earth, he was of some worth, the things his father had taught him were true, and that no matter how rough things got he had someone to turn to. We need to have enough love for ourselves to spend time with our Heavenly Father. Life gets busy and we let everyday life take us away from those things we know we should be doing. I do not know one person who spends time in the scriptures and on their knees daily, regularly, and with devotion that feels alone and without. I know that once we do not spend time with our Father in Heaven we slip out of his sight and into darkness. For some of us this is a slow processes and for others it is quick. Show yourself love and do not allow yourself to get away from what is important. I have had to many special and sacred experiences to let all that I have learned and love slip away from me. I have at times not been fully invested, but I cannot allow that for I know this gospel means to much to me. My Heavenly Father's love mean the world to me. I want to return to his presences with my spouse and children at my side. Some may say that we don't know if such a thing is possible, but I know the feelings I have felt are real. I know them for myself. The beauty of the Lord's gospel is that we can all feel it for ourselves.

I am glad I was able to write some of my talk down. This is not word for word what I said today, but close with some added thoughts I felt like I wanted to express. I hope to increase my knowledge of my Heavenly Father. I also hope that my family both here in Georgia and Arizona know how much they mean to me. I have been blessed with the greatest and most loving family one could ask for. I do not know why I am so blessed, but I do not question it I am just humbled to have what I have. I could not ask for more. I love you guys so much and I miss you guys more than anything! I hope someday soon I can show my Arizona family my children and that I can just spend sometime with you all. I hope it is sooner than later. Love you!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Pre-Halloween fun!

Happy Halloween from my little ones!