Wednesday, February 25, 2009

James got a little surprise in the mail from some great people! Thank you ATC, Andrew, Sam , and Makenna. He has carried the frog around all day and it even went on a walk with us. James hasn't named him yet but, is working hard on thinking of a name for his new friend. I included some video of James opening his gift and his first reaction. It was not love at first sight more like at second sight.

Here is a quilt I just finished. I am debating about putting it on my website because I love it so much. It came out better than I expected.

Here is an up close shot of my newest lovey. I love the temple fabric.

I am going to toot my own horn. I love the way my lovey and quilt turned out. I am getting so much better than when I started.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Hello I am back

OK it has been a dry spell for my blog. I apologize I have had a really bad cold for like three weeks and I am finally getting over it! Let's see new details...James and I visited his Daddy at work and James got to sit at his Daddy's desk. He thought that was cool. We went to play in fake man made snow which was fun only because we got to see James ride his first sled. He loved every moment of it. He went down like six times. Let's see anything else...James got more teeth. Ummm....I have a website on called ThatsLolli. I have made a few things and I am working on more. I think that is about it. I know I am boring, but I promise I will have some more exciting things in the near future, but for now here are a few photos to enjoy.
James climbing the slide (don't know why this is blue and underlined)

The pictures are of us at Stone Mountain and James new monkey friend that keeps him in line. It may look cruel, but it is a lifesaver. I am pro-monkey baby leashes. The other photos are of Super Bowl Sunday. We never watch TV on Sundays and this day we did and it became a family affair. We had #D glasses on to watch the commercials. Yes we did re-watch them online. The Video is of James at his Daddy's desk in the cubical farm known as work.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Is it Fall?

It has been a while since my last post. I have been busy with work and James. He is getting so mobile and independent. He wanted to walk around at Target and I let him. He got to independent because I turned for a half a second and he was down the aisle. He is getting fast. Ok enough of a catch is the reason for my post. At four am I was woken to a loud thumb and the vision of seeing my husband falling or fallen of the bed. He said he wasn't dreaming or anything when I asked him what happened. It scared me especially when last summer when we were in Yuma he woke me in the middle of the night and we ended up going to the hospital. He just fell out of bed for some reason. I noticed blood in his hand and went to turn on the light. He had this Harry Potter type scare down his eyebrow. I got it cleaned up and got Adam's mom to check him out. He was ok and after being cleaned up he went to sleep. He went to work later on and felt bad so he headed over to the hospital. They gave him super glue for his forehead and told him in a few months it should heal, but there was no need for stitches. Thank goodness! He is doing well now and his poor head looks awful. Please keep us in your prayer since we have had a few accidents this week. Adam's sister, Erin, fell on the ice in Provo and broke her arm in two places, Brynna, Adam's sister, fell down the stairs and hit her bottom really hard, and Greg, Adam's little brother, fell down outside on his way to the bus and scratched his hands and wrist. We are all hanging on and hoping no one else falls.