Sunday, July 11, 2010

Random sign, I am not sure what this event is, but it sounded country and back woods-like. I think I would enjoy going to whatever this is.


Suzanne C said...

First, LOVE Deb's glasses! The piggy tails on Elizabeth, the arrows on Brynna and Greg! The pic of 3 generations of Paulukaiti men crouching! AWESOME!

Kathleen said...

That mud bog does sound alluring, if only as a spectator. But if it involved mud football or anything related, it's easy to envision you and Adam having a blast! Funny sign. Thanks for sharing that! How cute are Elizabeth's pigtails?! Love them! James just keeps getting cuter and cuter and cuter! I sure hope they're not all grown up before the next time we'll see you. I love your Home Alone face with the sunglasses, too! And thank you so much for your comment. I respect and admire you just as much! And I love you!