Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Yippie we got tickets

Yesterday we bought tickets to fly home for Thanksgiving!!! Well I guess my parents home. I am so excited to see my parents and siblings. I haven't seen them since Spring Break. I guess that was not that long ago, but it sure seems longer. I am looking forward to just hanging out with them and showing off my new baby and of course my almost two year old. I love it when I show James a picture of my dad he says, "Grandpa!" He knows who he is. He loves reading my my mom's blog and looking at all the pictures of my siblings. He laughs at their videos. I think it is cool how there is a family connection even though we are so far away.

1 comment:

Erin Gibbons said...

Cool! That will be so fun! I can't wait to see your baby though! When are you coming to visit us? :D