Sunday, May 24, 2009

Sunday fun

I have been working on so many blankets today. My hands hurt. I am making some loveys for a guy I knew in high school who had quadruplets who are all preemies. My mom found this out because his mom is my mom's salonist. She asked me to make some for his babies and I thought, "Yes, I have a reason to make something." It's a blast making the blankets. I have also been looking into making labels for my online business on Etsy. I am trying to make my site and products look better. I think if I can make some really nice things I can keep busy and make a little money from making things. I am going to be making stuff anyways might as well try to be able to support my hobby. I am not out to make big bucks, but be able to afford my outlet. When I get a chance I am at my sewing table trying to craete something. If you want to see what I have made and give me some feedback as to how I can improve my online shop feel free to visit it.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Presenting Baby Paulukaitis

Baby Paulukaitis

We know what our baby is...we want to know what you think it is. Tonight after the guesses I will post the results with a video of the ultra sound. so We will start the drum roll and keep it rolling until tonight. What is it a boy or a girl?

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Tooting my Horn

I am so very very proud of myself...and yes I am about to toot my own horn. I made my very first "real" quilt. Well at least the shell of it. I still need to buy the batting, but I am still so proud of my creation so far. I was sitting at work before the kids got there and I had ideas of blankets fly into my head. I drew a few images and left it at that. Later that day I went to Wal-mart to get diapers for James and noticed that the fabric was on sale for 50% off. I saw the most amazing fabric for my creation. I had to buy it which than lead to my hunt for the rest of the fabric I needed to make my quilt. I am so excited. It is so cool to see my doodle become something tangible and something I can be proud of. I am grateful for my daddy who gave me my sewing machine as a graduation present. I have been able to create lots of stuff. So thanks dad for helping me show my art through sewing.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Proflowers update

So I got an email and phone call from a Proflower supervisor person to talk about my recent experience. He kindly listened to my concern and apologized for the companies error. He than offered me a refund for my shipping which is what I wanted in the first place. So all is well in the flower buying world. If you chose to buy from this company they are nice people and the flowers are beautiful. I still don't think I will buy flowers from them in the future, but than again people deserve a second chance. Maybe?

Friday, May 8, 2009

James the ham and some corn on the cob

James Loves to do Yoga whenever he sees someone doing any kind of exercise. A few days ago he saw his grandpop doing his pre-walking exercises on the stairs and James had to join in. He is such a ham. We know call him Hamalito instead of Jaimelito.

This next video is of James enjoying his first taste of corn on the cob. He loved it and chowed.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Mother's Day Flowers

I have always wanted to buy mom some flowers because she deserves it and more. I found a great deal online or so I thought. I ordered my flowers from (yes the flowers are gorgeous, but there were still a few problems.) They advertised free shipping rebate, but in reality they want you to join some club that cost $2 a month. They give you a coupon for 15 off your next purchase that can be used for free shipping, but the catch is they don't tell you this until after you make your initial purchase. The details describe that further information will be given upon completion of your initial purchase. I figured it was like a normal rebate from reading the details. I felt deceived. On another sad note I got chocolate to go with the beautiful flowers I sent my mom for Mother's Day, but the chocolate didn't arrive in one piece. They were in fact melted. It is Arizona in May the delivery people should have known better. Heat and chocolate equals melted chocolate. My mom told me about another company that sent her candles and she received cold packs with the candles so they wouldn't melt. That makes tons of sense to me. Anyway I called Pro Flowers and they are sending my mom some new chocolate, but not until the 14th of May. Mother's Day will be over by then, so as for me and my house we won't be buying from them again.

Wii Fit is the bomb

My mother-in-law finally got a Wii fit and I am sure glad she did. I say finally because we talked about it for months and she has been looking for it to go on sale. About four days ago she went to Costco and it was cheaper than all the other stores. I got on the Wii fit and it tells you how big you are and your character gets fat if your fat. I don't think it's fair because their is no preganant option, but besides that it is so worth it. Kelly has been working out on it everyday. I would be, but I am sick, yippie for me. It has tons of games that push you and it really makes you work out. I reccomend this toy/excersice machione for anyone who is starting out with excercising. It makes you work as hard as you want to and it makes you sweat. I was surprised when I felt my first sweat drops. It's just a game right?

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Zebulon Baby

Zebulon has returned for one final hello. This was Adam's truck in high school. He sold it to a guy he knows and hasn't seen it since June of 2005. We were at the temple and parked next to us was Adam's old car. He was pretty excited about it.

Come and ride the train

Yesterday I had the great idea to go and ride the train at Stone Mountain. I had been wanting to take James for about a week or so. He had ridden it before, but now that he's bigger and I we thought it would be a nice family outing he could enjoy. "Fun" was the name for our adventure at the "train water park."
So we got on the train and everything was going well and all of the sudden it started to rain. It was not a regular kind of rain, but a pour down kind of like a waterfall. People started to scream and move around as everyone looked for some shelter, in the open air cars, when the conductor announced that everyone has to be sitting in a seat or she will stop the train. Mind you she is sitting a closed car in the front of the train, so she couldn't appreciate our situation. People are still standing and moving around and she stops the train. She stops the train next to a cascade, which was really pretty, but wet, and the train got stopped right at the peak of the storm. No one could keep from getting wet.
It takes a while to get a train that size moving again and since it was raining we began to snail along for the next 2 or 3 miles. I was of course sitting by the window to get a great view of the scenery or the sky waterfalls. James just sat on his daddy's lap enjoying the ride. When we drove by the entrance of the Stone Mountain hike I looked over at Adam and said, "I wonder if anyone is hiking the mountain." We look over to see a family drenched climbing down. I thought poor people, and I bet it is really slippery. The mountain is made of granite so it is very very slippery when wet. I just happen to look when one of the family members slipped and hit the ground hard. Everyone on the train, including the family of the boy, was laughing in the midst of the rain. It was great. As we came around the last bend before we were to get off the train we got the worst of the rain. We were now going straight into the water and it was coming down with force. There was no where to hide even with my umbrella we were getting even more soaked.
At the moment where we thought things we going to be looking up we heard the loudest thunder I have ever heard. I was a huge BOOOOOM!!!!! It sounded like a gun shot and it was really scary. Finally the moment came to get off the train. I gave the umbrella to Adam so James would be covered from the still pouring rain. I laughed as I watched Adam put the umbrella over James, but he didn't notice that he had only covered the front of James and the rain was going down the back of James' head and all over his back. I rain after them trying not to slip because I was wearing sandals. I had to then go through a huge puddle or a small creek to get our stroller. Thank goodness that my stroller folds in half or I would have never gotten through the crowd. We gave in and bought another umbrella because I of course only brought the half a person cover umbrella with me. We also had to celebrate our traumatic experience so we got a funnel cake or as they call it here a flannel cake. So we had a great we really did. It was definitely a memorable Saturday afternoon.

Daddy and James snuggle time.

A family portrait. James got cut out, but the second one we took he looks funny in.

This was taken moments before the heavens opened and the waters descended.

Isn't this too cute!
He was eating gold fish.

Half way through the train ride there is a little town that at Christmas a man or woman comes out and tells the story of Jesus, but today we just drove on by and got to hear the following song.

He is such a good dancer. Oh by the way I love this song if anyone knows who wrote it or what it's called please let me know. I need to download it.