Sunday, August 2, 2009

Super Baby

Adam and I got home from our temple trip to Birmingham, AL and found James in the cutest outfit ever. Adam's family went to Six Flags on Friday and Grandmom bought him a Superman outfit. James looked awesome in it. It was so cute he wore it to our friend's party. I thought my little brother Andrew would get a kick out of these photos.

Super James Vs. the Football

Look at his six pack

He's got his daddy

Look I am strong enough to pick up Daddy

I can even Fly

Fast than a locomotive

Mommy and me

Here we are showing off our tongues

Daddy and me showing off our tongues too!

1 comment:

Erin Gibbons said...

Cute! Calvin wore his batman outfit yesterday, it's so cute and even has a cape! Wish we could see you guys!