Monday, February 21, 2011

Bebe. Ready to potty train?

So I was sitting on the couch reading my Facebook when I hear Bebe whining and falling. I thought what is she up to now? I see her trying to exit the bathroom with no diaper on. The reason she was falling is because she had peed all over the floor. My question is, "Was she trying to use the potty?" Maybe, the world may never know. All I have to say is that it would be awesome if my 16 month old decided it was time to start to potty train. More money in my pocket and less in Pamper's pocket.


Erin Gibbons said...

You know about Amazon Mom right? Save 30% on diapers/pretty much anything and get free 2 day shipping!

Wendy said...

I am thinking of joining that after our free shipping is with the college program.

Suzanne C said...

Amazon mom is great!