Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Just a little Update

It has been such a long time since I blogged. I have been way too busy. I will get into this again. We have had family and friends visit or coming back for the holidays and we are moving. I know we are moving again. It seems like we move all time time. I guess this is true. In a few days we will have been married for three years and will have had moved six times. I guess that is not too bad. This next move will hopefully be our last for a while. We love living with Adam's parents. They have been so amazing, supportive, and kind to us for the last 14 months. I can't believe it has been that long. I am going to miss seeing them everyday. Sigh..., but we will see them often I just know it.

Well on another note my really good friend from my mission and from Provo moved to Virginia last summer and she, her husband, and son came to see us for the last two days. It was nice catching up. I really miss her and her company. They left this morning and even though it was way too early for me, I was sad to see them go. It was cool for me to have them see where I live and to meet Adam's family. Who would not want to hangout with Adam's family. They are way awesome. I love them, as noted above.

I know this entry is short, but my son is yelling mom and wants to get out of his bed now. Sigh I wanted to get back into bed for at least another half hour. He needs to go back to waking up at 9 am like he did before. So I will post some pictures soon (I hope).

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Black Friday Special

Well, in the honor of Black Friday I too am giving you the opportunity to save on Christmas presents.
Here are my specials good all day Friday.

Shop and Save
Chose from one of three deals (Deals cannot be combined)
1. Free Shipping on your total order
2. Purchase a warmer or plug-in and get a free scent
3. Purchase $50 or more and get a free plug-in of your choice (you can give it as a gift or keep it for yourself)

You can get this deal by calling me or emailing me your order.
You can also have your items shipped if it is a Christmas present (10% of your total before tax is the cost of shipping)

Please feel free to forward this email to anyone who would benefit from this sale.

Have a Scent'sational day and Happy Thanksgiving,

Thursday, November 19, 2009

In daddy's shoes

James loves wearing other people's shoes. It was so cute to see him try on his daddy's boots. He thought he was the coolest and let me tell you he does look pretty stylish. He is such a hoot!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween and the Pumpkin Patch

Happy Halloween!!!! (to those of you who observe it). On Thursday night we went to the pumpkin patch with the family. It was so much fun to go and hang out with everyone. James really wanted to jump in this really big pumpkin. He got in and stood there and would not jump at all. Sigh... he wanted to pet the rabbits that his aunts and uncle had, but we had already spent three dollars on the jumpy thing. It was ok he already went to the Yellow River Game Ranch and saw tons of animals. After we went to get ice cream and it was so good.

She held her first pumpkin.

James and his pumpkins!

It took us forever to get a good shot with the pumpkins. He was to busy not looking at the camera. He is still so cute.

Princess Elizabeth

He tried to sit on her before the picture was taken so I stopped trying to get them in a picture together.

He liked sticking his head in the thing after I did it before that he really didn't like it.

We took a picture like this at the Coke-a-Cola museum.

Everyone got into the picture and James was mad.

Pumpkins are almost bigger than her.

On Halloween we got ready to go to the church for the trunk or treat. I dressed as a cat, Adam was a Comic book Super Hero lover (he matched James in a way), James was the cutest Superman ever, and Elizabeth was an adorable ballerina. James loved the idea of going car to car and getting candy. He even walked to some cars a few times and got more. He got the concept really fast and carried his bag. I made a little bag for both kids from the same fabric. Later on we went treat or treating in our neighborhood and James thought this was even cooler. Later in the evening we went trick or treating in our neighborhood. I didn't think we were ever going to get back to our house. He had way too much fun going door to door. He tried to go into some of the houses, give back candy, trade candy, and even chose his own candy from the bowl. He was such a riot and people loved seeing him. He even said, "tri trit" which translated to trick or treat. I liked that part. The following are some pictures from that evening.

Mommy and baby.

Superman and his comic book lover Daddy.

Don't take my picture!!!

Kiss!! Smooch!

This is the best shot I could get of them together. Sigh...

She is so adorable.

Her little feet.

She is my little ballerina. (Yes, I made her tutu).

Adam's boss as the serpent and his wife "Eve" during the trunk or treat.

CANDY!!!! He actually was more excited about going car to car and getting stuff in his bag.

"Thank you" for the candy.

This was his first candy of the night.

Daniel Boon, Superman, and a comic book junky all in one place.

Everyone on the steps before the big outing around the neighborhood. Elizabeth stayed with Grandpop at home. He needed help passing out the candy.

This is our family shot. We are all so happy. James just really wanted things to start.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Yellow River Game Ranch

Yesterday for our Wards playgroup we went to the Yellow River Game Ranch. It is this place were animals walk around and you can feed them. It is so random because the place is right off a main road in a wooded area. Anyway it was James, Elizabeth, and my first time. When we got there two deers came right up to us. It was really cool and James thought they were cool, but not as cool as the "woofs" otherwise known as chickens. He loved them so much. I think they were his favorite animal there. He thought it was so cool to feed them. He wanted to feed everything and anything he could. He really didn't pet anything. He thought they were cool to look at, but touching nahhhhh. I thought he was so brave for feeding them. I still freak out when they go for the food, but James was right there feeding even the turkeys by hand. He is so brave.

He was trying to feed a squirrel.

Feeding the goat was way awesome.

He really didn't get into the geese.

He tried to feed the horse, but he kept dropping his carrots.

The deers were right there trying to get some food.

The deer thought the baby seat was tasty.

He loved the chickens. Everytime he saw them he went to them and tried to feed them.

I wouldn't have the never to feed the turkeys, but he sure did.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Baby feet! She is here at 8 lbs 7 oz 19 in long. The Paulukaitis Family presents
Elizabeth Deborah Suzanne

Elizabeth and mommy

Baby and Daddy

Proud Auntie Brynna

Aunt Kelly and the sweet angel baby girl

She is so cute!

Proud grandparents again.

Grandmom loves her new granddaughter

Grandpop say, "Cheese!"

Enjoy the photos and Elizabeth's first bath. She reminds us so much of James. We miss you James.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

baby Update


Baby update

Last night we took a trip down to the hospital because I was having tons of back pain and really close contractions. I could barely walk and I was in tons of pain. I still hurt as I lie here typing this entry. I don't think I will be doing any moving all day today except for my routine trips to the restroom. So we got to the hospital and there are no other patience there, yet no one could find a wheelchair so I had to walk at my snail pace to the door up the elevator to my room on the farthest end of the hall. It was a long walk. I got there and they got me hooked up to the monitors. I was checked by a nurse who shoved her hand inside me and caused me to almost fly through the roof. I am dilated between a 2 and a 3. I was glad to be dilated and that my pains weren't fake. My contractions became really irregular between 2 to 6 minutes apart so they sent me home. Thus I am here now on my couch typing with one hand in between small contractions. Maybe today, maybe tomorrow these contractions will get strong and regular enough to get us a baby. I don't think I can spend another two days lying down. it is boring and I have too much to do, but it hurts to much to get up. Well that's what's going on with us. keep us in your thoughts and prayers that she'll come soon.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Baby Update

No baby, yet. Sigh..., but I am feeling lousy so that could be a good sign. I went for a walk and had some good "contractions." I hate to really think they are real contractions because I don't want to get my hopes up. Who knows I could still be pregnant for a week or three still. Sigh...I am due on Tuesday or Thursday depending on which doctor you talk to. You never know what will happen though. All that I know is someday this month I will have a baby girl named Elizabeth.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Baby Update

So I had an ultrasound today and measured 7 lbs 12 oz. My doctor said we can talk about inducing next week. Sigh... I was really hoping that he would say, "She is a good size let's induce her this week." I really think she is big enough. Adam was 7 lbs and I was 7 lbs 11 oz. Sigh agin.... He thought I was 37 weeks though and said the baby won't get any bigger. Yeah right... if she was only 37 weeks along she would have three weeks to get bigger, duh! In my mind I was like HELLO I am not 37 weeks I am due next week. You would think he would have looked at my chart. Geezzzz! So I was a little upset about that. Anyway she will coming out soon. Sign that it is not today, but all. Keep us in your prayers. Hopefully next week at this time we will have an induction date if she hasn't already come out. Oh by the way I am not showing any progress as of right now.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Shout out to Krista

Ok so I have been working on this quilt for some time now. It was done in stages due to my "extreme desire" to finish it. It is not that I didn't want to do it, but the fact that I ad not, yet done something like this. I wanted to make this quilt that I saw on Etsy. Well I got the initial idea from Etsy. The one I made is way way way cuter. I am not just being bias. Anyway the concept of the quilt is for a baby shower. The white blocks are for people to sign at a baby shower. I really wanted to make one for my shower too, but I really had no umph to do it. I wanted to also really make one for my friend Krista. I only did not want it to look lame or give her "another" blanket. It just seems like everyone gets a million blankets. I didn't at my shower so I thought I would finish the blanket and see if she would like to have it for her shower. If not I am cool with that, but I think she will like it. NO pressure Krista. =0) Anyway the blanket on Etsy was just plain blue and white or pink and white. It was made out of cotton and cost like $200 to buy. As if! I made mine with love because love is all you need. The blanket is soft (due to the fact that I made it our of flannel) and kind of plushy because it has batting. I think it is so awesome and I love it. I took some close up shots so you could see some of the fun prints. Oh by the way the back of the blanket was inspired by Krista because she really liked the print. Once again you don't have to use it as a signing quilt or take it. I don't want to guilt you into anything. I had a blast making the quilt.

This is the back of the blanket. and my carpet. Ohhhhh Ahhhhhhh!

Ok I think it is so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, October 2, 2009

baby shower and other stuff

So here is the quilt that I am working on for Elizabeth. I am made at it right now because my measurements are all wrong and yeah I am frustrated. sigh. It will be cute when it is sewn.

This is just a cute picture of James when we went to the park. I have some video of him, but they are at the end of the post.

The next set of pictures is of my baby shower. It was so much fun and so relaxed. We didn't play any games we just sat and talked. My friends Tabitha and Krista got everything set up and had a great idea to open gifts as people came. It was an open house so people came and went as they pleased. It was so nice to be able to talk to some people outside of church. It was so cool all the nice things people got for Elizabeth. I know we have only been here a year, but it was so nice to feel like a part of the ward and be loved by so many. I get really shy around people sometimes, but it was so nice to see so many people come and support my family as we bring this little girl into the world. I am so excited to see her and have everyone swoon over her. I know she will be cute and if she isn't people will tell me she is so it will be okay. =0)
By the way the food posted above was provided by Tabitha, Krista, Kelly (my sister-in-law), and my mother-in-law with the roses on the cupcakes made by Brynna (my other sister-in-law.) She did a beautiful job even though she had tons of homework to do. She learned how to make the flowers in Young Women, pretty cool, huh?

I need to add one more thing in here. Ginger gave me a very special gift. I don't know if she realizes how much her baby blanket touched me. My grandmother was probably the only constant lady in my life until Suzie came in it. I know without a doubt if she was still here she would have made me a blanket exactly the way Ginger did. It was like getting a gift from her. I wanted to thank her for thinking of me and for letting me remember how much my grandmother loved me and how much she did for me when I was little. I know Elizabeth will love being swaddled in the blanket. Thank you!

You know me I have to be weird. Tabitha got the baby this cool bib which I had to wear and this beautiful little onesie. The "G" is for UGA where Adam goes to school.

Let's go around the room starting with the pink shirt: Kelly, Ginger, Deborah, Brynna, Brittany, Kim, Tami, me, and Rhinda.

Don't you love the display of gifts. I thought this was such a great and cute idea. I loved everyone being able to see what everyone else got for the baby. It was like a little boutique.

Jefrilyn and Kaolee just relaxing away.

Kimberly and Shanna looking real pretty...oh yeah and me in the corner.

Kaolee got these awesome shoes at Old Navy. I can see Elizabeth sporting these with a hot pink poncho looking like a little Lamanite.

These are my two buddies whom I adore and I am glad I have them. It is hard to find friends that you can do some really fun stuff with. I love hanging out with them and I am glad they like me. Our boys adore each other too. Thank you so much Krista and Tabitha for hosting my shower and for being such good friends especially when you both have so much going on. Poor Tabitha has been suffering from the flood and has had not hot water or gas for sometime now. Krista is due two weeks after me, but she might beat me to the finish line. She has a nicer doctor than I do. SO needless to say these two awesome women did a lot for me. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart and from my little family too.

I had to show off what we have so far in the babies' room. I was going to do yellow and blue for Elizabeth and I still am, but I saw these sheets at Target and feel in love with them. Rhina was amazing enough and picked them out when she went shopping. I love them and they look great.

I made the little doll quilt one day when I was board. I also have two little Madeline dolls and the baby doll that Kelly got Elizabeth. I love the little doll and I was glad she chose to get it for the baby.

Tami and Kim got Elizabeth some blankets that matched the bedding (don't they have good taste) and I must say this blanket is so soft and I want to sleep with it.

I have been looking for an extion bar like the one my dad made for my siblings closet. I saw one at IKEA, but it was not what I thought. I was so sad. I had seen one at Babies R Us, but it was like 25 bucks! Yeah I didn't buy it. I thought where in the world was I going to find one and soon. Today while at Wal-Mart I thought to check and there it was for $12. It was a great deal and I was already there buying stuff. It took me like 2 minutes to put it together. James really likes that he can see his clothes. He has an obsession of picking out his outfit. Sometimes it is cute, and some of the time it is way time consuming and annoying.

Don't her cloths look so cute and girly. I love it. Yeah I am having a girl. I love the pink.

I thought since I sowed Elizabeth's bedding I would show James stuff. He loves this quilt that I made him and doesn't like sleeping without it. It think it is cute that he likes it so much. He also loves his sea turtle. He has to play his song (he hits a button until it comes on) before he can lie down to go to sleep. We used to sing to him, but this is his new routine. Whatever gets him to go to bed is fine by me.

The fabric is there for the protection of the bed from the "BEAVER." This crib survived 25 years with no visible teeth marks or real damage until my son came along and thought his crib was a huge candy bar. There is a huge chunk of wood missing. I was afraid for his teeth and him swallowing wood and chocking one day. I am surprised he didn't hurt himself.

I made this a long time ago. I love it. I want one for Elizabeth, but her name is so long. I am not sure if I want to make one and buying one can be expensive. She does have 9 letters in her first name.

The following videos are for your viewing pleasure. I hope you enjoy ad try not to laugh to hard.