Yesterday for our Wards playgroup we went to the Yellow River Game Ranch. It is this place were animals walk around and you can feed them. It is so random because the place is right off a main road in a wooded area. Anyway it was James, Elizabeth, and my first time. When we got there two deers came right up to us. It was really cool and James thought they were cool, but not as cool as the "woofs" otherwise known as chickens. He loved them so much. I think they were his favorite animal there. He thought it was so cool to feed them. He wanted to feed everything and anything he could. He really didn't pet anything. He thought they were cool to look at, but touching nahhhhh. I thought he was so brave for feeding them. I still freak out when they go for the food, but James was right there feeding even the turkeys by hand. He is so brave.
The deer thought the baby seat was tasty.
He loved the chickens. Everytime he saw them he went to them and tried to feed them.
I wouldn't have the never to feed the turkeys, but he sure did.
What a cool place!! I can hardly wait to see James! The videos are keepers. He will love to watch himself when he gets older. When Baby Mak wakes up from her nap, I am going to show her. She'll love it!
James knows just what to do! He's so cute!! He seems to have a great affinity towards animals. I'm with you, Wendy, I'm not sure I would be brave enough to feed those turkeys, goats, etc.
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