Thursday, October 8, 2009

Baby Update

No baby, yet. Sigh..., but I am feeling lousy so that could be a good sign. I went for a walk and had some good "contractions." I hate to really think they are real contractions because I don't want to get my hopes up. Who knows I could still be pregnant for a week or three still. Sigh...I am due on Tuesday or Thursday depending on which doctor you talk to. You never know what will happen though. All that I know is someday this month I will have a baby girl named Elizabeth.


Suzanne C said...

The kids are singing a song for their big sister that Elizabeth will make an appearance soon! Hang in there sweetie!

Erin Gibbons said...

The good news is you can't be pregnant for TOO much longer! I mean, it HAS to be in the next week or, maybe two. But it's not like it's like "well it could be tomorrow or it could be Christmas!" Can't wait to see pictures!