The following films are for our dear Erin P. who is out at BYU. James has been running around and causing mayhem just like she did when she was small. Well at least he is as dramatic as her. He too throws himself on the ground when he doesn''t get his way. I don't think she does this anymore. Wink. We love you and miss you a bunch. We can't wait until you get home this summer! Oh, and congrates on getting into the Spanish house at the FLSR (Foreign language Housing). That's where Adam and I meet.
2 weeks ago
James is sooo cute! He walks around so well, much like a big kid and I have to remind myself that he just turned 1 year old a few months ago. His tantrums sound kind of cute, although in reality they're probably not so fun to deal with. It's hard for me to imagine Erin ever doing anything similar as a child/toddler because just meeting her for a few minutes in December, we got to see how incredibly generous and thoughtful and level-headed she has become. Congrats to you, Erin, on being admitted to the FLSR!! Yay! Yippee!! That's very exciting and wonderful news! :)
woo!! thats me!
and no, i no longer throw myself on the ground when i don't get my way.
ohhhh, my nephew. i am SO going to be his favorite aunt.
Yeah, she throws herself on the floor even when she does get her way!
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