Sunday, March 1, 2009

Today is a very special day because no only is it Sunday, but it is a snow day. Yes, you read that right it is snowing here in Lilburn, GA. Lilburn is a suburb of ATL in case you were wondering. SO when we went to church it was raining and the forecast called for snow by 1 pm. We thought, "Yeah Right!" But, lo and behold it snowed and it snowed and it is still snowing. Here are a few pictures of the snow and everyone playing in it. Enjoy! Oh it reminded me of being back in Utah. I miss all of you who are there and places more South where it's at least 80 plus degrees right now.

G was making snow angels and throwing snow balls at A and his dad, but here he stops to say cheese.

Boys and snow , G, J, A's dad (dadster, that's what I call him), and A


B and her little friend.

He just had to crawl in the snow.


Honey, I have the camera don't you get any ideas.

J is sneaking in the snow. He is like his dad a snow eater.

A shot down the road

Look dad your chairs in the snow in the backyard

Are you ready to come in for some soup and hot chocolate?

1 comment:

Suzanne C said...

Oh, it looks like fun! It's okay to eat snow as long as it aint know? I was going to call you was 92 at the fairgrounds! Ick! Make sure you watch for your friendly neighborhood UPS man tomorrow. And it is something for YOU! I hope you love it...