4 weeks ago
Sunday, September 27, 2009
To Erin
A little shout out to James favorite Aunt Erin! James loves his Aunt Erin and he loves the fact that he gets to see her on the computer. Recently she got a web cam and so do we. It has been nice to see her on occasion via computer. It is an excellent way to stay in touch with those you love. James gets so excited to talk with her and her kisses through the computer. His favorite thing is babbling to her, making faces, and then giving her a fist bump. He adores her as she does him. I just thought she would like to know that she is loved and missed by all of us out here in the South Lands.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
PIZZA any way you want it
Adam and I usually go on a date on Friday nights and this week we decided to order pizza and rent a movie. We also invited Adam's family and James on our date. Family dates can be fun. This one gave us a little surprise. James got a slice of pizza turned it upside down and backwards and than started to eat it. He did this for both slices he ate. It was really cute to watch. He must take after my brothers and father. Oh and he requested pizza for breakfast. Pizza is also my favorite food.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Ok so these are not the pictures I promised. I told my mom I would show her what the blankets looked like that I made for my cousin's boys. They like Buzz and Woody so i searched and found some fabric and made these blankets. I made some a few months ago, but I thought they were too small so I had to remake them and poof this is what came out. I hope they like them.

Thursday, September 24, 2009
Sorry for the lack of pictures. I am planning on taking more. I have been kind of lazy in that department lately. Soon I promise soon I will have some pictures. For now enjoy a James moment...
So yesterday morning I gave James some Kixs. They look like little balls. We all know how much James loves balls. He was like, "Ball! Ball!" The next thing I knew he stuck a ball up his nose. Yes a kixs was up his nose. I think I scared him when I yelled, "NO!!!!" He cried and was done eating. The joys of parent and childhood.
So yesterday morning I gave James some Kixs. They look like little balls. We all know how much James loves balls. He was like, "Ball! Ball!" The next thing I knew he stuck a ball up his nose. Yes a kixs was up his nose. I think I scared him when I yelled, "NO!!!!" He cried and was done eating. The joys of parent and childhood.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Rain and rain
So about two or three Sundays ago our Ward had our fifth week lesson on Emergency Preparedness. We all were thinking we will need that for some future date or the big one. Little did we know that Monday would be the day we'd have an emergency. It rained so much that a lot of the Atlanta area and surrounding counties would be flooded. Our basement stayed flood free thanks to Adam. He has a bruise on the palm of his hand from brooming the water away from our doorstep. He did a good job we had no floods. Some of our neighbors and friends were not so blessed they got water in their homes. Many roads have been down and today some of those roads opened back up. It has ben nice because it has not rained the last two days. The sunshine has given the DOT workers time to clean up the mess and time for some of the flood water to receed. There is a lot of damage on the Westside of Atlanta. I feel bad for those who lost everything. We are still waiting to here if FEMA and the Federal GOvernment are going to help those who need it. I guess Health Care Reform and the Presidents talk to the world is more important than those in Georgia to answer the govenors cry for help. By the time you read this blog message I hope something is done for those who need help. We are doing fine, but their are some who are really suffering especially since some homes are not given the option to buy flood insurance because they don't live near a river or something like that. NEWS FLASH Georgia can flood even if there is no direct body of water near it. Maybe this will change insurance companies policies. We shall see.
So good happy news...James is growing and becoming funny everyday...and he is also becoming two. The becoming two part can be a little stressful for all of us sometimes . Once he learns to talk I hope things are easier for him to be able to express himself.
He favorite things these days are TV which includes Backyardagains, Wonderpets, Mickey Mouse Club House, and Diego. He loves to talk to Diego, well he answers yes and no to Diego's questions. It is kind of cute. He also still loves balls and cars, Disney Cars. He sees Lighting McQueen and says "Vroom, vroom." For James Birthday next month we are having a Cars party. I am excited and preparing now so that I can be some what functioning after the baby. I am so afraid she is going to knock me out and I won't be prepared for the holidays and such. I am probably being paranoid or a freak, but I want these holidays to be memorable and fun not stressful for me or anyone around me. If I am not stressed than I can have fun with those I love. I am looking forward to the holidays more than anything. I am also looking forward to having this baby sometime in the next few weeks. I will hopefully know on Friday what the next steps are and if she is big enough to come out early. Keep us and Georgia in your prayers.
So good happy news...James is growing and becoming funny everyday...and he is also becoming two. The becoming two part can be a little stressful for all of us sometimes . Once he learns to talk I hope things are easier for him to be able to express himself.
He favorite things these days are TV which includes Backyardagains, Wonderpets, Mickey Mouse Club House, and Diego. He loves to talk to Diego, well he answers yes and no to Diego's questions. It is kind of cute. He also still loves balls and cars, Disney Cars. He sees Lighting McQueen and says "Vroom, vroom." For James Birthday next month we are having a Cars party. I am excited and preparing now so that I can be some what functioning after the baby. I am so afraid she is going to knock me out and I won't be prepared for the holidays and such. I am probably being paranoid or a freak, but I want these holidays to be memorable and fun not stressful for me or anyone around me. If I am not stressed than I can have fun with those I love. I am looking forward to the holidays more than anything. I am also looking forward to having this baby sometime in the next few weeks. I will hopefully know on Friday what the next steps are and if she is big enough to come out early. Keep us and Georgia in your prayers.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Here is a good cause and deal
Here is a great way to get two things for a great deal. Scentsy is pledging money to small businesses. They have these t-shirts that cost $9 with shipping and you get a $10 gift certificate to buy something from Scentsy. I got one because the t-shirt is cool and during this economy it is small businesses that need our support. I get support a good cause, have a cool t-shirt, and get 10 bucks to get some Scentsy products. This deal is good for everyone so check it out.
If anyone has any ideas which local business needs to spot lighted please let me hear your ideas. I have two in mind, but I want to hear what you have to say.
If anyone has any ideas which local business needs to spot lighted please let me hear your ideas. I have two in mind, but I want to hear what you have to say.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Being prepared
Yesterday I received a huge testimony on food storage. So it is Sunday afternoon and the water goes out in our neighborhood and another one next door. A main pipe line burst and it was going to take several hours to fix. So we had no water for anything. Yikes...not because we had bottled waters. This was really good because we were having company over and we could still provide refreshments for them. Then we had another problem how were we going to use the bathroom? No one could flush the toilets and Adam's mom told us all we had to go at the church when we went for Visiting Teaching interviews and a fireside. Than my mother-in-law became truly inspired. She had these bottles of soda that were filled with water in her basement. She told us each to take two to our bathrooms and when we needed to flush or wash our hands we could use that water. So we had water to drink, bottled, and go to the restroom. I wondered how many people had nothing and were in a bit of a crisis due to this event happening on a Sunday afternoon. We were taken cared of because she had been prepared. My mother-in-law is one of my role models. She always amazes me. I would have never thought of refilling the toilet tank so that I could keep flushing the toilet when needed. I think she is so smart. Let this be a lesson that emergencies can happen at anytime, anywhere, and any day. Be prepared for those little unexpected moments.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
A really bad day and a really nice surprise
I woke up this morning already for my doctors appointment. For the very first time I had written my questions and concerns down so that I could talk about it with my doctor. I only have five weeks left until the baby id due and I wanted to be prepared. I got to the doctors office and I suddenly was super sick and hurting. I was really nauseated too for some reason. They had no saltines or anything and so I sat there hoping to see the doctor any minute, but an hour later I was finally taken back to see him. Once the doctor came in my heart sank a little because it was my doctors brother. I have seen him one other time, but I am kind of like seeing my doctors. I am funny like that, but I thought I would ask him my questions anyways because there is a possibility that he will deliever my baby too. So he saw I had been crying a little and asked why and I told him about the pain I had been having. He was oh ok and proceeded to listen to the babies heart beat. We listened for about 15 seconds and he was like ok you are 34 weeks along, you had a ten lb baby before, ok we'll see you in two weeks. I was like, "Don't you mean next week." I am 35 weeks. Then as I was trying to talk to him he is heading out the door. He didn't even ask if I had any questions or anything. I had to quickly ask him everything I wanted to ask and he blew off my questions. All I wanted was 10-15 to talk about my concerns hey I had already waited an hour for him. Let's just say that people need to remember who is working for who. I say that because pregnant women are sensitive people and have every right to be concerned with what is happening to their bodies. I won't go into detail about my body on my blog, but if you want to ask me you can. I am really concerned with harming myself or the baby if she is big again. I went to my doctors office because there were two doctors in the office. It would limit the amount of strangers or surprises when it came to my delivery. I thought that by having two doctors they would be able to know me and my case. I may have been asking too much. I just didn't want to have my same experience that I had with my first baby. Anyways I am looking into switching my doctor. It is really late in the game, but I am not sure what to do. I have two doctors in mind right now. I need to first go down to my doctor and talk with them and get some paper work. I do not like making people feel bad so I am a little nervous, but at the same time they need to know that I am serious about protecting myself and my concerns are real not some pregnant imagination or something. Ok now that I got all that drama out I can share the amazing beautiful part. I called my mom after my incident crying. OK I was not just crying I was sobbing, yes I am very pregnant. I think she may have thought someone died or something. Any way my beautiful mother knowing I needed a hug sent me the most beautiful surprise. I got a bouquet of my favorite flowers, carnations. They are pink which made me think of my future baby girl. I just need to get this baby girl here healthy. I just wanted to say I have an awesome mom and family. I love them so much and I can't wait to see them in a few months. I really felt their love for me when I saw the flowers were from them. I know they are across the country, but the flowers made me feel like they had jsut come by to visit me. Thank you! I really needed that more then anything.

Now I really do feel better. This blog is like therapy no wonder the church advices us to keep a journal. Once all emotions are out somewhere a load is seriously unloaded. Yeah the flowers and the note really helped too. =0)
Now I really do feel better. This blog is like therapy no wonder the church advices us to keep a journal. Once all emotions are out somewhere a load is seriously unloaded. Yeah the flowers and the note really helped too. =0)
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Check out Scentsy

So yesterday I signed up to do a home business called Scentsy. I am excited because it is something that people like and it is not over priced. I don't think I could stand selling something that I would not buy myself due to the cost. I also really like the variety of scents and the quality. I also like that the candles are heated and don't burn if I or my son sticks his finger in the wax. I am looking forward to getting my kit and doing a party before my baby comes. The other thing that I has impressed me about this company is that yeah it's another home party business, but it doesn't last hours like some others and I can earn a little bit of money. I love staying at home with my son, but I have always worked my whole life. It is hard not earning money and doing something like that. It is a personal struggle. I really think this will give me the satisfaction that I am looking for. I know I am not going to be a millionaire or a hundredaire either, but I am excited for the opportunity to do something I like and still be at home where I need to be. I know that being at home with James and with the future Elizabeth will be the greatest thing I do in this life. If you are interested in finding out more about Scentsy email me or check out my website.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
BYU Cougars 14 -Oklahoma Sooners13
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