Monday, January 31, 2011

I have been really wanting to do something with my kid's room, but I have none money. I have been wanting to do this for a really long time. I have been reading some really good craft blogs lately and you know what? You can do crafts for almost nothing, in most cases. So I decided to do an Extreme Makeover: Frugal Edition. I will show you what I had to work with and what I spent extra. So if you think you want to do something like I did you can do it with what you have lying on at home and in many cases what you find at the dollar store. Most of my friends are in the same boat as me. So I hope you enjoy while I toot my own horn.

Bebe's side of the room before the makeover.

Bebe's decorations.

This is fabric I had left over from James Birthday last year that I never used. The only things I bought new and extra were the felt castle and ribbon, both from the dollar store. My projects total cost $2. It took me like 30 minutes to do!

This is a white board I bought at the Goodwill 2 years ago for like a $1. My father-in-law made me this awesome frame. I had stopped using this board like five or seven months ago. I no longer have an office so it was sitting behind my bedroom door.

Buddy Boy was helping me as he Irish danced on the board.

Bebe joined in on the fun.

Bebe's new hair bow holder.

Second craft: Thia is the stuff I had lying around.

I got the Letter at Hobby Lobby for $1 and the frame from the
Dollar store for, you guessed it, a $1.

I cut the fabric.

I glued the fabric.

Bebe's new room!

We had everything lying around except the flowers.
I got them at JoAnn for $2.50. My expensive find.

Shown here with two hair bows.

I am planning on adding some vinyl onto Bebe's wall that says, "Once upon a time.." I got some for $5 and I will be able to use my new Silhouette machine. Now I am going to start on James side, but I think I will wait until next month. He wants a baseball theme. I can do that. My total cost on my make over is $8.50 (including the rose ball hanging from the ceiling and the one I have not, yet made). I will have to see how much of the vinyl that I use and I will include that in my makeover final count. I am excited. I want to see how frugal I can be with Buddy Boys side of the room.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Valentine decor

I got bored/ ambitious today. I made some slip covers for my pillows in my living room, a conversation heart Valentine banner, and flautas for dinner. I have to make dinner before 2 otherwise food grosses me out.

I am really proud of my decorating on a super budget. My pillows and banner cost about $6. The banner was not as cool as I wanted it to be, but the pillows look nice. They could use zippers or buttons, but they work. I have to work on my name plaque and wall art. I am excited.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Dear Child With In

Today was one of those days where my body could not keep up with my schedule, meaning it wanted to sleep, BUT I have two toddlers. My son ever so sweetly tried to get his little plastic balls and Buzz Lightyear into my blanket as I snoozed on the couch. What did I do? I did what any big fat meanie head would do, I yelled. I said, "I am sick, don't you understand that!" He cried. I wanted to cry.

Dear Baby in my Belly,
I love you very much, but you have two amazing siblings that want to play really badly. I am trying really hard to play with them and do all the things I did before my energy was zapped out of me. I understand you need me to survive, but leave a little bit of energy so I can play catch and "fight" with James. He loves to play a lot! So keep that in mind the next time you eat, breath, move, and whatever else you do in there.

PS Love James, Elizabeth, and Daddy
PSS Love the dishes, cooking the meals, the laundry, and all the other stuff that must be done

I felt like this needed to be said because after dinner James came up to me, hugged me, and said, "I miss you, Mama." I wanted to cry. I miss me, too. Being pregnant is a short, yet lonnnnnnnggggggg time.

I hope all five of us survive the next few months. Five being James, Elizabeth, Adam, me, and the baby. If you have any energy boosting ideas please feel free to share.

Monday, January 17, 2011

I know birthdays for my kids are far away, but two of my friends have been picking my brain for birthday ideas for their kids. So my brain started to wonder what kind of party my kids should have. I have decided on a baseball theme for James since he loves the sport. I asked him if that is what he wanted and he said, "YEAH, MAMA!!!!" So I think that one will be a go. Now for Elizabeth I am debating between ladybugs, bugs in general, jungle, or Raggedy Ann. I have found this amazing blog that shows so AWESOME birthday ideas. I also have found several decoration ideas and tutorials on how to make my birthday dreams come true. Let's be honest some of the birthday preparing and "making it happens" are because I wish I had had "THIS" when I was a kid. So a part of it is for me. I am just being honest, call me self-fish if you wish, but moving on. So here is the link to my new favorite amazing blog Kara's Party Ideas.

I know you will be amazed and you too will fall in love with her blog. I wanted to throw a party after I saw some of these pictures.

If you are impressed here is another blog that will get your creative mind going for your kids birthdays, too. The Cake blog

I really love these blogs! If you know of anymore let me know.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

It's a Baby!!!

So it is true, we are expecting number 3!!!! I am about 12 weeks along. I will know more once I see my doctor. I think it is a boy, but we shall see in a month. We are really excited and we have known for a while. It was so hard to keep it a secret! I wanted to tell everyone, but I was able to hold this secret for a while. I have been feeling a little ill, mostly tired, and I have had a lot of back pain. It's okay because we shall soon have a new edition to our little family. If it is a boy we are wanting to name him Joseph Kazimir and if it's a girl Nora Denise or Catherine Julia. We shall see. I think it's boy so I am banking on that. Maybe it will be quadruplets and we'll have to think of others names like Spongetta or Tater P or Spud or James Too or George Foreman. Only time will tell.... So check back and I will keep you posted!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Pictures with Santa

I finally got our copies of our pictures with Santa. I think they turned out pretty good. My kids really liked the big guy. At least we got our picture taken, right? I think we still look pretty good crying, frowny faced, and all.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

First day of Primary

Today was James first day in Primary! He is officially a Sunbeam. I just about cried when he walked into the Primary room. I had to look away. My little man is all grown up and I can't believe it. Time flies so fast. It's a good thing I am told, but I wish I had more time to with him in at his different stages in life. I love him being little. There is just something sweet about a small child.

Back to Primary. He was a little bummed not to be going to Nursery. He almost wouldn't stay in the Primary room without his Dad, but I told him he could have some chocolate if he stayed. When it was all over he got his reward. He was happy, but he also had a blast in Primary. He told me he, "Sang songs, Mama, SANG SONGS!" He has been singing, "Hello, hello" since we got home. I think he likes that song.

I think it was a good experience for him. He has been a pleasure to teach knew things to. He knows the first four Articles of Faith by singing them. This month we are going to be working on number 5. He is so smart as all little kid "sponges" are.

Daddy and James showing off their, "Diamond ties!"

More Diamond tie pictures.

She was too cute not to include in this post.
Ready to go!
He just looked cool in this shot.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

Happy New Year! Ate my cheese, drank my cider, and kissed my Sweet heart! The new year is starting off to a good start!