Thursday, January 6, 2011

It's a Baby!!!

So it is true, we are expecting number 3!!!! I am about 12 weeks along. I will know more once I see my doctor. I think it is a boy, but we shall see in a month. We are really excited and we have known for a while. It was so hard to keep it a secret! I wanted to tell everyone, but I was able to hold this secret for a while. I have been feeling a little ill, mostly tired, and I have had a lot of back pain. It's okay because we shall soon have a new edition to our little family. If it is a boy we are wanting to name him Joseph Kazimir and if it's a girl Nora Denise or Catherine Julia. We shall see. I think it's boy so I am banking on that. Maybe it will be quadruplets and we'll have to think of others names like Spongetta or Tater P or Spud or James Too or George Foreman. Only time will tell.... So check back and I will keep you posted!


Kathleen said...

Félications et felicidades! Have you had your first appointment yet? When are you due? I remember at your bridal shower that you wanted 6 children someday. Maybe you're about halfway there--or maybe if it is quadruplets, you're six months away from "completing" your family.

Erin said...

If you had a child named George Foreman, I would be the happiest Aunt in the entiiiiiiire world.

Moral of the story, I'm pulling for you to have quadruplets now just for that fact.

Kathleen said...

Okay, I just reread your post and now realize your first appointment is around the corner and that you do not know your exact due date as of yet. Guess I just got overexcited about the news and overlooked that detail you disclosed at the beginning of your post. Sorry! Hope you get a boost in energy soon and that everything else goes well.

Wendy said...

Thanks Kathleen! I miss you a lot! Hahaha if I really have all four at once!

Shea Gibbons said...

I guessed that since every time I talked to you you didn't feel good. That's cool, you look so cute! Sorry you haven't felt good, when are you do? And post it to your blog instead of facebook, I don't pay attention to facebook. Apparently Shea saw this on fb two days ago and didn't tell me. Why don't men EVER talk about these things? Anyway, can't wait to find out when you're due!

Thad and Julie said...

Congratulations!! So excited for you!