Sunday, October 26, 2008

Here are the pictures I promised.

James enjoys the glory of free candy with his first lolli pop.

A pirate with his loot. Arrrrr!

Kelly is Safari woman.

Greg as the grim reaper.

James and me and I made my fairy tutu.

Adam's mom just had to try on my tutu. Doesn't she look great. I think it could work as a veil.

We went to a pumpkin patch.

Here bunny...bunny

I have a pumpkin on my head. He is just playing with his grandmom.

I have never seen a happier kid.

Pumpkin pie or pumpkin a la mode? Decisions.

Feel that breeze.

Isn't he the cutest. I loved watching him snack on the candy. He also had another lolli pop in his other hand that had the wrapper still on it. He thought his Tootsie pop unwrapped tasted better. I don't blame him.

1 comment:

Suzanne C said...

YOU are beautiful!!! And you guys all looked so cute in your Halloween get ups! Even Deborah in your tu-tu!