Monday, December 29, 2008

Just a few funnies

So this morning James had a stinky diaper and I said, "Ewwwwww! Caca." and he said, "taca, taca." He knows what stinkys are.

Another funny note is that James waved at Baby Mak's picture. He was telling her hi, and now he is hitting me...lunch time...gotta go

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas Eve

So a very Merry Christmas Eve to all! Yesterday we went to Stone Mountain and for those of you who don't know of this place please feel free to wikipedia it. Adam's mom got Adam and I a pass to go with the family for the whole year. So we took all of his siblings to go play putt putt or mini golf. It took us forever to get in due to misunderstandings with our passes, but once that was settled we were off to play. Well we had to make a quick stop at one of the shops because we forgot the stroller. Surprise Surprise. We do stuff like this all the time. After a nice game of golf, which I did not come in last place, we watched the Snow Fairy fly across the buildings and she made it snow in Georgia! Ok so the snow was really a bubble gum tasting bubble thing, but we pretended none the less. It was an enjoyable evening. In a days there is this thing called snow days, or something like that, that will begin at Stone Mountain. They are going to cover one of the hills with snow at least until March. It sounds like a lot of fun. I want to go. They have like tubing and stuff. It will be like Utah except without the great scenery, mountains, or seriously cold weather. Maybe it will be nothing like it except the "snow" to play in.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Here is a video of us being silly making a train. I also finally included the photos of us at the top of Stone Mountain. We happened to see the missionaries on the way and took a picture of them for their parents. It was cool to see them.

This next picture is of James eating his ravioli.

Which he adores! Can you tell?

He is so much fun and is getting so big. We can't wait to see how he is going to be on Christmas morning. I bet he will try to eat the wrapping paper and eat anything else he can. I better go James has disappeared.... The boy crawls fast

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

La la la la here's a song.....

Just thought I would share that with the world. I love my mom. ;0)

Friday, December 12, 2008

One Santa is not like another Santa

So we took James on Monday to see Santa and a week later, today, he saw him again. The first time was like yeah this guy is ok. He took pictures with him and sat on his lap, the whole nine yards. Tonight at our church or ward party, he was not having any of it. He cried. I guess one Santa is not the same as the next or maybe it was the hippe of all the other kids crying too. I think it's funny especially since he didn't cry a few days ago and he also didn't cry for the scary Easter Bunny. I guess it's all in the moment.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Christmas and the mall

James got new shoes yesterday at the mall and he wore them all day. I was amazed. They are from Carter's and they bend. You see, James has these fat feet which he got from me, so he needed shoes that could easily get on to his plump little feet. They are so cute. I guess I should have taken a photo of them. I think I will. Anyways, Momsicle, that's Adam's mom, and I went to the mall today. There was this mat on the ground that was a screen for the projector above it. There were games and other things projected onto the mat and James and this little girl played together for at least a half an hour. They were so cute. James favorite part were the cars that crashed into his body because he kept sitting in the middle of the racetrack. So, Adam's family has this tradition that every year the kids either get or make an ornament each Christmas season. I thought this was a cool idea and I saw this Disney/Pixars Cars ornament online. It was a lot, but when we went to the Disney store today it was $4. It was quite steal and so the Cars ornament is his second ornament, this is his second Christmas. He.... and I.... and his dad really like Cars. I was way excited when it was on sale. I love Christmas it makes me happy and everyone around me seems happy too. I think it's great that people seem to be more generous and giving at this time. It is nice to be on the receiving end as well because sometimes we really need to receive something not because we "need it", unless we do, but to show us that someone is thinking about you or that someone even cares. I love that feeling knowing that someone that about me and cared enough about me to get me something even if it's a card, even if that card is hand made. It's the thought, especially in a world that moves so fast and that is so self centered. It's nice to be loved and to be told and shown that love.

Sunday, December 7, 2008


Adam starts his new job tomorrow!!!!!! Yippie one of us is going to be brining money or turkey bacon home. We are pretty excited. It will be nice to be able to pay our bills with our own money. We are so grateful for the help we have received and for the kindness to those who did so much for us when we couldn't do it ourselves. It is just such a nice feeling being able to do it yourself. I think it is funny how our Heavenly father believes in second chances. I have learned a lot about the power and weakness of money. The Bishop had a little talk with us during our tithing settlement which I felt like Heavenly Father was talking to me personally. I just know that we came here to help us, me part of us, to get to an even more frugal stage and to a better being resourceful people. Adam and I have been talking about trying to get pregnant at the beginning of next year. If all goes according to plan we'll have another baby to care for by the end of the year right during Adam's first semester of grad school. If this is what we really want we need to be as prepared as possible. I want Adam's focus to be school. If he is going to be successful he needs to put all his energy into the program. I know we can do it, but we have to include our Heavenly Father in our plan and ask for his advice and council. I am so blessed to know that God is involved in our lives only f we invite Him. I also know he has a specific plan for each one of us if we allow Him to show us what it is. I love him and I know He loves me because my daddy taught me that.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Santa's day

I just saw Wall*e. It was a really cute movie. Adam's family has this tradition to put their shows with a note for Santa on December 5th. The next morning Santa takes your note and leaves a gift. He left Brynna Wall*e and I got Ariel III. I think it is a really cool tradition. Adam and I did this last year and it was really fun. We went to the dollar store and gave five dollars to get something for each other and James. It was such a fun thing to do. I think it's cool to find cheap ways to
keep traditions alive. I love having good fun traditions to look forward to. Traditions help keep the holidays alive and fun.

Friday, December 5, 2008

A little less weight

I am reporting on my "diet." I have been trying to eat only 1600 calories a day. Let's just say some days are better than others. Today was not a good consuming day, but I did walk/jog 700 calories off with my five mile walk/jog. It was fun. I walked this morning with Adam and then jogged/walked by myself on the treadmill. I have lost a total of four pounds in like a two or three week period. My mother-in-law has lost five without really trying. She has just watched what she eats and has been exercising. She wore her smaller pants today. Yippie for her! Brynna has also lost six pounds. She has been doing yoga and jogging. It is amazing how good we have been feeling. All we are doing is watching what we eat more or less and exercising. Exercising is probably all people need to do to keep the extra pounds off this holiday season.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Exciting News

OK so I am really lame. I was putting up the pictures last night and I got distracted. Adam has the pictures on his computer and he is in Athens, GA. He made contact with the Head Linguistics professor last week and got invited to attend a class this week. So he is sitting ancient Sandscrit. He has already learned 7 vowel sounds and symbols out of hundreds and hundreds of symbols. I am impressed. Ok so here is the real reason for my post, not that Adam's experience is not cool and all, but yesterday Jame took his first steps. He walked four steps with no help. We were so excited that our excitement scared him. He started to cry and has not wanted to walk since. We are working on him little by little. Oh another fun thing is grandmom was on her way over with the camera and didn't get a chance to film it. Everyone was kinda upset. It was my fault I let go of his hands before the camera got to where we were.


James Birthday cake and presents.

Sunday, November 30, 2008


OK so I was supposed to have already posted some Birthday pictures, but I haven't. I am slow and I apologize. Today has been filled with pending time with the family and playing games together. It reminded me of times I spent with my brothers. Just some highlights from yesterday, James first birthday. I woke him up in the morning and sung him Happy Birthday in French and English, but through out the day he heard it in Latin (Aunt Brynna), German (Grandmom and Daddy), Spanish (Daddy), Arabic (Daddy), and Portuguese (Daddy). I thought that was pretty cool. We also took him to JcPenny for some photos and we were disappointed. We got there at 3:30 for our appointment, maybe we were two minutes late. There was a family waiting already to go, but they weren't on the list and the mom was going to wait until a place opened. They told her she was next then informed us we were really next. It was about 3:45 or 3:50 when the four clock showed up. This Pennys has one studio. I asked online for an hour appointment. I decided it was time to leave. I was really upset because I wanted some pictures for his Birthday and I even dragged his Grandpop away from a major football game to go. It was really upsetting, but at the mall we were able to do something really cool. We got on the elevator and I noticed this little boy on the elevator. It was odd because it was us and two black women and he was white. I asked them if he belonged to them and the lady was like no. The lady then thought the boy got on by accident, but there was a line of people to get on and no one tried to stop him. She took his hand and walked him over to a lady once we got upstairs. The black lady was a little nit high strung or like hyper. I don't know, but Adam's mom watched her. The lady took the boy over to a white lady on the bench and the lady was like he is not mine. Then the little boy kept saying his mom was in different stores. All this was going on in about 30-40 seconds. I saw a cop as the lady was coming back our way. She took the boy over to the cop and Adam's mom went over too. They talked with the boy for a few minutes and almost instantly the mother shows up being escorted by a police officer. I thought the mother was going to cry. She was trying to hold it all in. She said that he had done this kind of thing before. It was really scary. We had no reason to get on that elevator. We were just trying to stop being upset about the Penny's photo studio. We had just been looking at Santa and I noticed a train upstairs. We went on the elevator to "check out" the train. We really had no reason to be there, but I know it was to help Owen and his mom get back together. I know that God answers prayers and that he knows were certain things are even when we don't. He also knows what we can do wen prompted to speak up and do what is right. Ok so this was supposed to be about James' Birthday. SO James got this Lighting McQueen pushy car thing and when he saw it his face glowed. He loved it instantly. It was cute to see. My favorite birthday present was the book my mom made for him. It was so cool to read and to show off to everyone. I think she is an excellent writer and I hop e to be as good as her someday. Now back to the party. In Adam's family they have a tradition that on the First Birthday the Birthday person gets his own cake. I decorated a blue monster on James cake. He was not to sure what to do with the cake. I think he got more on him and the floor then in his mouth. It was so cute to watch. Today we watched the video and James started to smack his lips. He smacks his lips when he is hungry. He wanted some. SO we gave it to him. He only ate a little bit yesterday. I thought that was really cute too. I will post pictures and such later. I am to tired to night. We just finished putting up all of our Christmas ornaments and decorations. It is always fun to see the ornaments and tell the stories about them.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving Photos

The turkey is ready!

James is getting into the Christmas spirit.

He hugs the little cow.

I just thought I would add this film of James "walking" a few days ago. He is getting pretty good at moving around and he will soon be up and everywhere. It's cool to see him get bigger. I wish he could have enjoyed his Thanksgiving dinner, but he has been sick. He has trouble swallowing. He has had a lot of formula and Pedialyte to eat.


So we saw Santa at the end of the Thanksgiving day parade which means Christmas has finally started. It is nice to begin this joyous time of year. This morning we went to the local high school to play football. It was so much fun. I got smacked in the face and my inner lip got busted, but I am good. Adam got hurt pretty bad. He jammed his pinky finger and brushed it. Hopefully, he will be ok because we don't have insurance. I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving and remember that these moments can last forever in our memories don't waste them, but treasure them.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Adam's sister

We are waiting for the arrival of Adam's sister who is coming home for Thanksgiving. She has been out at BYU. It will be nice to have everyone here for the holiday. Adam has not been home for Thanksgiving in like five years. I know he is excited that everyone will here together for the holiday. I am excited to be here even though I miss my family a ton. There is going to be a football game on Thursday and I hope I get to go. I am a little hesitant because we don't have insurance, yet. James has been sick and we haven't been able to go to the doctor because of insurance. We think he is getting better, well at least we hope. The poor kid keeps slobbering everywhere and he has to wear a bid all the time because of it. He is such a cute kid. Well last night he wasn't so cute. He was up most of the night just crying. He was miserable and so were we after an hour of straight screaming. He might have screamed longer, but I also might be exaggerating. It was a long time and we were very tired after a while. We survived and so did he. This afternoon he slept from 11-2:30 pm and I couldn't believe it.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Dino quilt

I have been going to this quilting group. I started to go not because I quilt, but because I wanted friends. Sounds a lot like why I started to go to scrapbooking. I now have some very nice friends. I made my very first quilt. It is a rag quilt and since, I didn't have enough fabric I made it a lovey for James. You know what it was the exact size for him. He grabbed it when it was done and put it up to his face. I was so pleased. I learned a skill through Enrichment and passed it onto my son. I am so grateful for the small groups that the leaders of the Latter-day Saints church made for us women. I guess God knew what he was doing.
(I thought I took a picture of James and his blanket, but I didn't. Sorry.)

Friday, November 21, 2008

Mr. 70's man

This was an outfit that Adam wore when he was James' age. He has a big belly and short legs. He looks way cute.

To see a picture of Adam wearing the same suit in December 1984, go to Adam's Blog.

Darth and the Toilet

About a week ago I had this great idea. I wanted to make a toilet out of legos for my brother-in-law Greg. He is an eleven year old lego fan. He always gets told to brush his teeth and make his bed. So I wanted to make him a lego toilet. I was joking about it one day and Adam googled lego toilet and low and behold on you tube was how to make it. SO I made it and added a little touch of my own. He was pretty impressed. I think I am cool now.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Almost walking

I know I have written twice today, but I had to include this while blogging was on my mind. James is on his way to walking. He is scared to let go of my hands. He has stood up several times and then quickly fallen onto his bottom. I think once he gets over his fear of walking without holding onto something we are going to all be in tons of trouble. Nap time will become sacred time.

My bubbly

This is my beautiful sister. I love her a ton. Right now she is residing the great state of California. I thought I would tell her that I love and miss her. I also think she is great and that she can do anything her heart desires.

Leaves my true love

I had to include these pictures playing with his leaves. He loves them so much he had to taste one. Yummy!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The park and stuff

I went for a walk today at the park. I got lost going to the park, but I made it in one piece. I went around the park half-way when I got James out of his stroller. He loves to swing. I wanted to give him the opportunity before he feel asleep to swing. He is so cute. I took him down the slid a few times. He thought that was great, but his favorite part were the leaves. I thought he was going to eat all the leaves he could find. A few weeks ago I took James outside and let him play in the leaves. I think that is were he acquired his love for leaves....

So that entry was like a week ago, but I had it in my draft file so I thought I would post it any way. So Adam kind has a job, but not really. The head HR guy from ADP said he was just waiting for a CFO to sign the paperwork to hire him on. We have been waiting since Wednesday to hear back from someone. I am getting antsy. I have my substitute teacher seminar on Friday. Once I go to that I will be giving each school I want to work at my resume. We need money and with Christmas coming up and all. I also want to at some point see my family. We will get there.

James is growing up so fast. He ate egg and hash browns today. He gobbled them up like a little turkey. He loves to throw balls and play with this little car track things his grandparents found in the attic. The last two Sundays he has worn Adam's old suits. If you hadn't noticed James has long hair and in the suits he looks like he has time warped back into the 70's. The suits are plaid polyester. He looks way cute. In a few weeks he will be getting his first hair cut. sniff sniff. I love his hair.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Job interview

I have a job interview tomorrow! I am so excited! I hope that one of us gets the job tomorrow. My mother-in-law bought me some nice pants and shirt for my job interview. Thank you! Every little bit helps. Stay tuned for the results......

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Here are the pictures I promised.

James enjoys the glory of free candy with his first lolli pop.

A pirate with his loot. Arrrrr!

Kelly is Safari woman.

Greg as the grim reaper.

James and me and I made my fairy tutu.

Adam's mom just had to try on my tutu. Doesn't she look great. I think it could work as a veil.

We went to a pumpkin patch.

Here bunny...bunny

I have a pumpkin on my head. He is just playing with his grandmom.

I have never seen a happier kid.

Pumpkin pie or pumpkin a la mode? Decisions.

Feel that breeze.

Isn't he the cutest. I loved watching him snack on the candy. He also had another lolli pop in his other hand that had the wrapper still on it. He thought his Tootsie pop unwrapped tasted better. I don't blame him.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Early Halloween

So today was the wards trunk or treat and James got all dolled up. He is so cute. We painted a mustach on him and it looks great. I was a fairy. I made my tutu which came out so cute. It is kinda fun to be something else every now and again. There were a couple of investigators there. A few days ago we went to a pumpkin patch were we took some cool shots of James. He is so photo genic. Oh today I took my test to become a paraprofessional. I think I will be able to gain some teaching experience by either becoming a parapro or by being a sub. Hopefully, by Monday or Tuesday I will have a job. I hope!!! If not there is this sister in the ward who is willing to help me work on this quilt that I am working on. I have a lot of projects I am working on. Many projects that are half way done. Let me think what else is new....Oh yeah, Adam and I are offically Georgia residence. We got our drivers license yesterday. I got my voter card today in the mail. I am really glad I get to vote here in Georgia. I know McCain needs my vote here. For some reason the computer won't let me load pictures. When I can load pictures I will. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Let's play ball

James has learned to throw a ball. It is so cute to play catch with him. He is such a charmer. He loves everyone here especially his grandpop. He will do anything to be held by him. I know if my dad was here James would want to be held by him too.

Saturday, October 11, 2008


So I went to Wicked the Musical the other night. It was so exciting. I love the theater for one and I enjoyed the atmosphere. It was an amazing play. The music is so wonderful. I thought the character of Glenda was so funny. You hate her yet you love her. The ending was such a shock and even those who had read the book didn't expect it. It was nice to be able to do something like that. Dave, Adam's dad gave me his ticket so us girls had a night out. It was so nice to have that to look forward to.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My family (my parents)

It's good to know that I am loved. I know I have a great family who, even though I am miles away, thinks of me often and includes me in their daily lives. I miss them so much. I think that is why I love technology so much. I am able to receive phone calls, read blogs, get text, emails, and picture texts at anytime of the day. I love technology. It helps my family be near me especially when I need them to be. I miss my daddy, yes I still call him that. I think I always will. He has been my strength many times because he taught me to be tough and resourceful. I will never be able to repay him for all he has done for me. The older I get the more I love him for all the things he has taught me. One, if not the greatest thing he taught me was who God is and to rely on Him and no one else. My daddy taught me to pray, read the scriptures, and follow the commandments of God. I have always tried to do that and when I have failed I get on my knees and ask to be forgiven and I also ask for help to overcome my weaknesses. We are all weak without him. If we do our duty He will always do His. He wants to bless us with mountains of gifts many of them in forms that are not glorious to the world, but to the receiver it is everything. I have been that receiver many times and I will continue to be that person, not because I boast about it, but because like a loving Father, that he is, He wants best for his children. I am his daughter of divine worth and every single person on this earth is of a noble birth right. We are heirs to all the glory and beauty that our Elder Brother Jesus Christ is because of what he has done for us. I am greatful to know I am loved by my God and that he loved me enough to give up his child for the whole world. I rejoice in my Savior and in the Plan my Father in Heaven set for me. I know families are eternal under the sealing power which is placed upon those who make and keep sacred covenants. i pray one day I will enter a Holy Temple with my family. It is at that moment my loved ones will know true everlasting joy, at least where it began.

No job, yet

Job Hunting is a pain. Hopefully no I know soon we will have a job. It's just frustrating trying to get hired and being hired by someone. I am being a job snob. I think a degree allows me to be that. I am starting to think of getting a job anywhere. Keep us in your prayers.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

We are here

So we are here safe in Georgia. We got unloaded yesterday before General Conference started. We have no unpacked too much because I think we are still unwinding. It is kind of weird that we are living here and no just visiting. It felt like we had not left from Christmas except the Christmas tree and decorations are gone (the last time we were here was during Christmas vacation). I think we are going to be ok. Tomorrow we are going to look for jobs. I think we are going to see if the local schools are still hiring because on the schools website they are looking for ESOL and Spanish teachers. We are to call the school district and see what we have to do to get jobs. Oh, I have some great news well at least for me it's great. So the family is going to see Wicked the musical and Daddy Dave (Adam's dad) is giving me his ticket so we can have a ladies night out. I get to see Wicked, my wildest dreams have come true!!!!! I will have to inform you how it goes.

Friday, October 3, 2008

A few pictures of our trip

Adam in front of the field called Adam-Ondi-Ahman

The Nauvoo Temple at Night.

Our little family in front of the Nauvoo Temple

James decided he needed to take matters into his own hands. He's ready to roll.

Adam's Aunt Karla and her kids.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Day 2 and 3

Ok so we are on day three of our trip, but I want to tell about day two first. Oh, before that we went to Liberty not Independence Missouri. Ok so we got on the road in Nebraska. I want everyone to know that NE is just as boring as Wyoming. We had to switch drivers a few times because the road was making us sleepy. Not to mention someone who will remain nameless woke me up at 5 am and than I was really up at 6:30 am after going to bed around mid-night. The drive was long and we needed a break. We decided to eat lunch Kearney because Adam had been to Fort Kearney many times playing Oregon Trail. This was a big mistake. It was not far from the highway so we thought...It was far away and when we finally got there, after getting a little lost, we had to pay a four dollar parking fee. Not a bad price except they only took cash or checks. I only had two dollars. The lady was like sorry....All I wanted was a place to let James stretch while we ate lunch. Oh by the way the Subway in Kearney are liars, but that's another story. So moving on our trip we drove and drove and drove. We finally got to Liberty where we were greeted with open arms by my cousin Cassidi and her sweet family. It was so nice to be in a home where James could play. She also had dinner waiting for us. It was so good. It was a great ending to a long trip. Her family made us feel at home. When bedtime came I was excited, but little did I know James had other plans. He kicked me into the corner of the bed and in the morning I would find out that Adam spent sometime on the floor due to the lack of space on the bed (James is a bed hog). About 5 am James started kicking my face that was about the time I went to sleep on the floor. I got some rest. We left Cassidi's home this morning to see Adam's Aunt Karla and her kids. They are really nice people. I felt right at home. Karla's littlest girl loved Adam and she stuck at his side. She is about eight years old. Her father just passed away so I wondered if she liked Adam because he reminded her of him. Adam told me later how she made comments about how her dad did somethings Adam did. She tried to hide in the truck to come with us. Before we left we took some pictures and saw these cool blankets a neighbor made each person in the family out of the dad's old shirts, ties, and socks. It was such a sweet idea. Well we left and on the highway we say a sign for Adam-ondi-ahman. Cassidi said it was just a field and nothing to see, but we had to see it. I tell you what the sign is misleading. The place is not 12 miles. It was so far and yes it is just a field. I told Adam that now that he'd been there he would know how to get there when he needed to without asking for directions. After that we hurried our way to Nauvoo. We got there right after five om and everything was closed. We didn't even get our free dinner from his cousins restaurant. Adam wanted to do three things in Nauvoo and got to do zero of them. We still enjoyed ourselves. We go to see the temple which is beautiful. I don't know how they could have left it for others to destroy. I am grateful for all those who suffered so that I could have the blessings I do. Well now we are in Hannibal, MO for the night. I am so tired. I can hardly see straight. I better do like James and sleep while I have the chance. I think after this trip I am going to need a week to recover.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Day 1

So I decided I am going to do a road log when I can of our trip, but before I do James got his 8th tooth on Sunday. Ok so we finally left the Salt lake Valley at 10:10 yesterday morning. We finally got to go on the Cheyenne, Wyoming ramp on the freeway. We have often talked about going that way, just because. We finally did. It was pretty. A little while later we stopped to change a diaper. James has learned a new trick. He needs to poop every two or so hours. It made our eight our trip last thirteen plus hours. Anyway after we stopped we got back on the road into a state Adam nor I had ever been, Wyoming. I will tell you why no one lives in Wyoming is beyond me....NOT. There is nothing there. The state is beige. I could not image walking across it. I was so board in a car. The thought came to me why couldn't the US just leave all the Indians alone in Wyoming. The state would at least be populated and I am sure they would use all that land better than the people of Wyoming. The state is not being miss treated or anything, I am just saying man there is a lot of land and a lot of nothing. I think we hit four major cities all probably as big or smaller then my home, Yuma, AZ. We drove through Green River, Something Springs, Laramie (not Ft. Laramie), and Cheyenne. We blinked and the capital of Wyoming passed us by. It was dark so maybe that was the problem...Oh let's back track a little. Since, I love history we had to make a quick stop at Ft. Bridger. The fort was nice and big so we went to the museum. It was a goos idea because James needed some playing time. We let him claw behind us and follow us around. The floor may have been dirty, but he needed to play. He has been such a good boy. He only complains when he is not being played with or entertained. It is nice to have him in between us in the truck. We both get to talk to him and give him our attention. He loves grabbing Adam's head and pulling his ears. He likes me to sing to him and clap my hands. He claps with me. He has been tons of fun. It is like 6:30 am. James woke me up at four. He has another new trick. He wakes up at four hungry. He did not want to stay in his carseat so I put him in bed with us. He kicked me until 5:30 this morning which he woke up screaming again. He needed a diaper change. I asked Adam to do it. He was so tired he could barley move, but he got up. Let's just say it was a mess and we both needed to work on him. Well since were up all ready might as well get ready to hit the road. So I am typing while Adam showers. Oh we stayed the night at Days Inn in Sidney, Nebraska. We got here around 11:30ish. We have another "eight" hour trip in front of us, but we hope it won't take the same amount of time. Well I better sign off so we can get out of here and on the road. Our next stop is Independence, Missouri to stay with my cousin Cassidi.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


James got his seventh tooth today!!!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Clapping Baby

James was clapping his heart out to his Uncle Greg, Aunt Brynna, and Aunt Erin as "The Stinky Bunny" in a music video that they had made back in August of 2005. He thought they were the hottest new band, so much that it was his first time clapping. No one prompted him. He just clapped on his own. It was so sweet to watch. I got a video of the end of his clapping.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Another great Monday

So today was another great Monday with my little family. We were invited by some of our friend's house for dinner last night. When we were about to leave Adam was telling our friends that we were going to the temple the next day. We explained how we were going to take turns like last week. They offered to babysit James. It was so awesome. We did a session which we hardly ever get to do. It's so nice to be able to go to the house of the Lord knowing my son is in good hands and I can enjoy the Spirit. It's also nice to start the week off on a good foot. After I convinced Adam to go to a place called This is the Place up in SLC. I told him it was this cool pioneer town that was free. I thought it was free because the executive lady let me in free a few weeks ago. I went in the back entrance because I was wondering around looking for the zoo. Well to make a long story short we decided we didn't want to pay to get in when we found out it cost to get in. I really thought it was free. I was bummed, but the zoo that I was looking for happened to be across the street. SO I finally got to live my dream of going to the zoo. It was great. I love seeing the animals and just being in the zoo environment. James loved his water ball. He loved it so much he got his second outfit soaking wet. We had to get him a onesie at the zoo. It was not cheap, but he was dry and so cute in his new outfit. Sign... Oh really quickly I have this phone interview for a job in GA. Friday, I will get a call from a preschool that teaches French. If I get the job I will be an assistant working part time. This is a dream job so keep me in your prayers.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Little Missionaries

We were out getting Adam some copies at Stevenson's when I found the cutest thing. I could not resist getting these two missionary little people. One is dark like one of Adam's former mission companions, Elder Claudio Alferdo. The other has blonde hair like Adam. We call the little people Elder Smith (the dark one) and Elder Pauluka (the light one). I think they are way cute. When they get sister missionaries with dark hair I'll buy one of those. The first thing James did was put each missionary in each hand of his and took turns baptizing them in his mouth. It was cute. He seems to like them.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Mondays are now fun days with dad

James and Adam at Bridal Veil Falls

The three of us just playing at the Falls.

Mommy and James at the temple

Daddy and James looking spiffy

Candid shot of baby James

He looks like a little old man or a business man on his lunch break

Adam and I have been able to have more time together. On Monday, Adam had a day off. We decided to go to the temple to get some names done for a friend who is on a mission. Our friend gets to go to the temple every six weeks so we started to do some of his family history work. Adam and I took turns going into the temple to do a little work. The other waited outside with James and played reverently on the temple grounds. It was a great start to a long fun day. Afterwards we decided we wanted to go on a picnic. We drove to the canyon and decided to go to Squaw peak. Neither one of us had ever been there so we went. We got lost and were pretty cranky because we were hungry. Finally we got there and got bothered by bees and wasps that we left soon after. I didn't even get to kiss Adam up there. It's like a make out point. All well. So we ate our lunch in the car and drove down to Bridal Veil Falls. There was this sign saying they were going to raise money to re-erect the trolley that goes up the side of the mountain. I think that is a cool idea. We played there a little and watched these kids throw each other into this rocky ice cold pond thing at the end of the fall. They played until one of them got hurt. It was amusing to watch. Afterwards we went to this beautiful park to play wiffel ball. The park had this cool swing that went in circles like at the fair. If you get the swings going fast enough the swings take flight. We couldn't get them to go that fast. James loved going high on the swing. Adam and I swung until we got sick. We decided to play wiffel ball until Adam whacked the ball into my knee. We were done. I got sun burned on my forehead and a tan on my arms. It was such a fun day. We ended it eating a pizza and watching a movie at our house. It was so nice to be with the ones I love. It's like we had a Saturday together again, but on Monday. It's so nice to be able to be home for my family. I can't wait to get a job again so I can help pay my school debt. It will be good to get working to save as well so when Adam goes to grad school we will be able to live off a small income and our savings. I know without a doubt Heavenly Father will bless us as long as we stay worthy. He has blessed us more this last year than I can remember. We have been through a lot and I know it's only because of Heavenly Father that we are still alive and in the state we are in. I can never re-pay him for all that he has done.